
Research center BIPART



Analytic report «Budget Literacy of the Population of the Republic of Belarus and its Dynamics from 2020 to 2023» has been published


The aim of the new research of BIPART is to assess the current level of budget literacy of the population of Belarus in 2023, as well as to track the changes that have occurred over the past three years.

The BIPART research "Budget Literacy in the Republic of Belarus" (2020) has resulted in a set of recommendations for Belarusan government agencies, CSOs and research centres to raise awareness of the budget among Belarusians. In order to find out whether these recommendations have influenced the situation in the sphere of budget literacy and to assess the current situation in this sphere in 2023, BIPART has again studied what Belarusians know about the budget.

As part of this work, the authors answer the following research questions:

1. What is the level of budget literacy of the population of Belarus in 2023?

2. How has the overall level of budget literacy of the population of Belarus in 2023 changed compared to 2020?

3. On what issues related to the budget has the awareness of Belarusians increased, and on the contrary, on what issues has it decreased?

4. Which budgetary aspects are better and which ones are worse known to Belarusians?

An online survey of city residents was conducted To realise this purpose in February-March 2023. The questions were completely identical to those asked in 2020, with some of the budget data used in the questions were updated. The researchers then analysed the survey results and compared them to the 2020 survey results. Based on the results of the analysis, conclusions were drawn and recommendations were developed to improve the level of budget literacy of the population of the Republic of Belarus.

The research is available in our library in full and short versions in Russian.

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