
Research center BIPART



Research "Analysis of Achievement of Target Parameters of Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Belarus: Between Dream and Reality" has been published


In the fall of 2023, the development goals of the Republic of Belarus for 2024 were announced. The Decree "On the Most Important Parameters of the Socio-Economic Development Forecast" together with the Law on the Republican Budget have become the traditional tools for determining the goals of economic policy in the short term. The first document, for its part, focuses on a small group of indicators of indicative nature, although some of them actually have a "coercive" character within the framework of the command and control system. On the other hand, the indicators of the Law on the Republican Budget are mandatory in nature. 

This BIPART study assesses the actual achievability of the declared goals under the considered legal and regulatory documents and analyzes the composition of the parameters of the forecast and its changes from year to year, as well as assesses the role of such a directive mechanism of goal setting in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus and the need for its transformation.

The research is available in our library in Russian.

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