
Research center BIPART



Brief versions of the research «Evaluation of the public procurement system in Belarus according to the SIGMA methodology» have been published in Belarusian and English


Brief versions of the research «Evaluation of the public procurement system in Belarus according to the SIGMA methodology» have been published in Belarusian and English languages. The public procurement system in Belarus is in need of reform. This international study assesses the state of affairs in Belarus in this area as average. According to the authors, special attention should be paid to the implementation of the principles of accountability and integrity as applied to public procurement. In terms of time, according to this study, the post-tender phase is the weakest in Belarus.

The purpose of this paper is to study the area of public procurement (based on the analysis of available data) to determine the degree of compliance of the public procurement system in Belarus with the requirements and recommendations of the SIGMA initiative for the countries of the European Neighbourhood Policy.

For this purpose, the compliance of the public procurement system in Belarus with several principles (No. 8, 9, 10) of the section "Public Finance Management" of the SIGMA methodology is assessed. It should be noted that the recommendations of this document are intended primarily for the reform of the public administration system in order to bring its functioning closer to the norms and approaches of "good governance" with all its key features.

Also the research is available in our library in full and short versions in Russian.

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